Tuesday, August 22, 2023


"They are saying goodbye to their past, and realizing that they are
getting ready for their end of life while your are beginning your life."
Melissa Vaughan

The topic of down sizing has been bubbling to the surface during conversations. It is not a topic exclusive to the elderly, but current with others adjusting to change.  It may be easy to discard other's possessions, but it becomes more challenging when there is personal attachment. 

Whether browsing through black and white photos or baby clothes, detachment is helpful. As we discard, it can feel as though we are throwing away parts of the self. This action can trigger thoughts of the ending of life or creating room for new chapters. Either way, time needs to be allowed for this process.

As an elder, we can embrace the perspective of not being what we own. Perhaps we have a greater spiritual concept of existence to comfortably utilize time. When we are younger, it is a season to reevaluate the importance of people, places and things. In either scenario, we can  gently embrace both the ebb and the flow.


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