Thursday, August 24, 2023

Hell On Earth

"I think hell is something you carry around with you,
not somewhere you go."
Neil Gaman

Discord, whether personal, physical or spiritual, can trigger hell on earth. When allowed, the fuel for the fire is created by doubt, criticism, and judgment. The heat intensifies when we close in on ourselves, allowing the smoke to cloud our vision. Amplified emotions distort the path to escape and scars occur.

There are many facets of hell, some of which can be regulated. It is our preparedness that impacts the degree of heat. During the normal course of life, we experience mini fire drills. We can sniff out the smoke before anything is ignited, simply through awareness. When we ignore or become careless, degrees of intensity are amplified.

We cannot side step the heat of fire, but we can learn to regulate it by the actions we choose to take. When we first feel the flames, we decide to either stomp them out or allow them to escalate until we scream out for help. The burn helps us to be more diligent while seeking the aspects of heaven upon earth.


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