Monday, August 7, 2023

Adjusting Vibrations

"When we are in a centered, peaceful, 'available' state,
the vibration of all we are transforms to high energy."
Caroline A. Shearer

Raising our level of vibration attracts beneficial components in the mental, physical and spiritual realms. As we choose positive thought patterns, we lessen negative responses such as fear, gossip and falsehoods. Tuning down our ego, allows our higher self to guide us and attract to us to a elevated living experience.

Motivation for this resides in the outcome of attracting positive people, increasing intuition, and encountering more synchronicities. This contributes to a higher sense of peaceful living. We experience happiness and joy which allows us to move through life with greater ease. Our connection with all things increases.

When we notice our heart racing, attitude backsliding and decreased drive, we can stabilize our frequency through the use of crystals, essential oils, epsom salt baths, calming music, meditations, and spiritual practices. Simply be still as the heart knows the way and the soul is prepared to sing!

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