Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Wisdom Within


"What lies behind us and what lies before us are
small matters compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

An infant may scream for food and human touch, but within this new being, wisdom patiently waits to unfold. No matter what our environment offers, we interpret it based upon our perceptions. We experience knowings resonating with truth, and we begin to create lives of growth and fulfillment. 

Inner insight guides us to a higher source nudging us towards a path of unique purpose. Our soul continuously guides us to see the connection between all peoples, places, and things. It encourages us to walk upon the earth with reverence. Life is the teacher and as the student, we begin to hold ourselves accountable.

Embracing lessons as a means to correct and heal our learned patterns, we create space to hear our intuition and see the blessings in disguise. As our awareness expands, we readily connect with spiritual realms, releasing fears and stepping into a sacred cadence.  As inner peace flows, we experience a greater sense of oneness with all.

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