Saturday, August 26, 2023

At Long Last!

"There will always be people who see your best trait as weakness. 
And there will be others who see it as a joyous sight to behold."
Donna Ashworth 

For years, I projected my image through my professional career. Secure with my educational degrees and career accomplishments, I presented as an accomplished leader and entrepreneur. On a personal level, I was deeply connected with a large circle of friends. Then there was my private self that I safely tucked out of sight.

I wonder at what age we become aware of being different and seeing this as a negative. Criticism of our unique nature creates a need to cultivate walls to hide behind. Our early passion is frequently snuffed out and deemed as an embarrassment.  It can be frightening to stand strong, alone.

It wasn't until I was in my 40's that I experienced the joy of being the same person no matter where I was. Adventure towards who I wanted to be became more important than unsolicited judgments. Energy work wrapped all of my parts together, and at long last, I could be me!

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