Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Character Flaws

"The absence of good traits exposes the 
ultimate flaws in our nature."
Michael Newton

While busily noticing the flaws of others, we side-step accountability of our own. We can learn from wrong doing, whether it is created by others or our lovely selves. With awareness, some of our behaviors begin to reflect a pattern. If we choose to examine these with curiosity, the original cause for 'lesser than' traits surface.

Behavior is based upon experience. So what circumstances taught us to react in such a matter? Theoretically, the actions of today may have more to do with our past than our present. Lessons are buried within the uncovering of knowledge and when we are able to tap into them, our integrity grows.

We cannot help witnessing unacceptable behavior from others. Instead of sitting in judgment, we can step back and ponder what these actions have to do with us personally. Could they be mirroring parts of our hidden selves? Maybe life is simply showing us the need to hold ourselves more accountable for what we say and do.

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