Monday, August 28, 2023

Projecting Desires

"Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up."
Roy T. Bennett

In dreams, we allow ourselves to create fantasies filled with limitless creativity. We project desires of how we want to live, be seen, and contribute. Perhaps, our vision is only half-believable, but there is joy in the projection of possibility. We may be clueless as to how these scenarios can actually become reality, but we maintain faith in the Universe.

Positive energy attracts more of the same. So if we do not keep our dreams hidden, we can continuously attract aspects to build upon. When our dreams begin to appear in real time, our mind may limit the impact by disbelief. If we entertain thoughts of not being worthy of the miracle before us, well then, it simply may slip away.

When we rigidly describe our dreams, progress may be slow. It is when we remain open to experiencing them on various levels, they can present in unsuspecting ways. Fear or inability to embrace joy will  tamper the depth of our dreams. Fantasies held in a loving heart flourish; whereas, dreams cloistered in the mind falter. Hold high the dream!

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