Sunday, August 6, 2023

Learning in the Dark

"Understand that healing and growing can distance you from people
who you once had a bond with, and it can also bring you closer
to those who will heal and grow with you. The time between 
can be difficult, but there is so much to learn in solitude."
The Moon Tarot 

With an open heart, we allow potential friends to be themselves. We offer a space of safety where they can thrive and heal. We have no intention of changing them, and offer positive input to strengthen his or her wings.While all of these intentions are good, they cease to be so when nothing is offered in return.

While longing for deeper relationships, we may find it necessary to step away from lack luster situations. Although the present may feel empty, we can rekindle our own soul as we wait for greater possibilities to appear. Whatever it is we seek from others, we can offer to our lovely selves, being our very own resource.

Learning to raise vibrations, we begin to heal and to attract like minded beings. Transitioning towards our higher selves, we no longer seek recognition. However, there is delight in the discovery of new relationships that offer unconditional love, wisdom, and intentions for peaceful living.

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