Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Thoughts to Realities

"The fact you cannot see something yet does not mean
it doesn't exist as a potential reality."
Sheila Reynolds 

Desire stirs deep within the soul. When given room to grow, interpretation stretches into a configuration of the brain. Inviting spirit, creativity enhances shape and form. The process is not seen with the eyes, but with the heart. The realm of possibility expands, while the Universe aligns the stars. 

It may be forgotten that  the seed requires time to build strength in order to push up through the ground. Impatience spreads fear, causing the self to begin to doubt. Criticism may cause damage to the very core of what is meant to be built.  Lacking the element of trust, judgment erodes the soil, preventing the perfect vision from materializing.

Momentum increases with the decision to remain open to possibilities. Spirit orchestrates behind the scenes as visions are held fast to attract what is needed. The desire for 'dreams come true' guides us towards manifesting in the physical reality. The internal focus paired with elements from other realms, creates in physical form that which we seek.

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