Monday, August 21, 2023


"You can be less than perfect, and still 
be deserving of compassion and kindness."
Daniell Koepke

As we are confronted by discord, there is no need to become critical about our entire presence. Challenge is just a bump in the road, demanding our intention to apply what we know. It is not meant as a means to negatively evaluate the self. A struggle allows us to put to use what we have already learned with intentions to expand.

We are having this human experience to stretch and grow. If there is an absence of conflict, we can become complacent, relaxing into the status quo. It is when we experience strife that we gather our tools and create anew. Even if we fall apart losing all sense of self, we eventually begin to rebuild a better sense of harmony.

Loving kindness from others brings us comfort, but self-application of honest respect heals our wounds. When we embrace the self with acceptance of flaws, attention can be equally given to our worthy offerings. Love returns when we shift our perspective to the totality of who we are, rather than limiting beliefs of inferiority. 

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