Sunday, August 13, 2023

Spiritual Energy


"Spiritual energy is not apart from us, it is not in front of us,
it is not something to be bought or gained - it is already
our memory, it is already our beginning."
Chris Griscom

In the 1980's, the New Age Movement took America by storm. Although classified as a religious organization, participants chose to refer to the practices and beliefs as spiritual. The emphasis was the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. Communication with angels and masters, alternative medicine, and uniting science with spirituality prevailed.

Fueled by ancient wisdom, followers experienced a sense of empowerment as an alignment became formed with all things sacred. Terms were interchangeable such as: God, Divinity, Universe. Religion was associated with control and dogma; whereas, spirituality was aligned with sacred communication and freedom.

The light from God enters this world within us and increases as we recognize it in each other. Discovering light energy in the beauty of nature, art, and science,  links us all together. Spiritual exchanges trigger the sense of oneness and generates peace. What we seek is within us, surrounding us, and readily available upon embracing the light in all there is. 

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