Thursday, November 5, 2020

Sorely Needed

"When we make things into a competition, 
we create a situation where there are always
winners and losers."
Rosie Molinary

Whether a National Baseball Playoff or a third grade Spelling Bee, a competition includes a winner and a loser.  Rarely is a participant overheard saying, "Well, at least I got second!" When people are matched against each other, the purpose often shifts from the needed outcome to individual ego application.  

Early in my career, I learned the benefit of allowing choice over dictating assignments.  My boss approached the committee and gently placed an outline of an agenda that would secure her needed outcome.  "Choose a category that best meets personal abilities and interest," which allowed the business major to choose finances and the PR rep to develop the contact list.  If two people chose the same category, the boss asked them to work together as a team. Each person was eagerly invested as they felt they had something significant to bring to the task.

By having choice and being able to apply strengths, allowed us to improve and unfold.  We were able to come together as individual skills where we would all succeed, rather than a contest producing an outcome of criticism or judgment. The concept of team effort is sorely needed in our society today.  


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