Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Sense of Silence


Questions to discuss with the Inner Critic:
Who are you?
What do you want from me?
Why do you act the way you do?
What do you like?
What do you dislike?
Where am I most vulnerable to you?
How can I befriend you?
Janet O. Hagberg
In my opinion, there is an excessive amount of change occurring at this time.  We can look at the shifts in the weather, politics, relationships and health.  Vibrations or frequencies are altered by the disruption of the push of power and the resistance to change.  This creation of heaviness can be felt in the 'collective' atmosphere.
Some of us have a ferocious inner critic that has yet to be tamed.  Others of us have compromised with our beastly critics, but agreed upon boundaries are often disregarded.  In other words, we can be vulnerable to our individual negative critic as well as feeling pressure from the collective negative critic.  This extra weight is a burden we all carry whether aware of it or not.  We are bombarded by various media triggers and the unsettled climate of the world population.
So this never ending tape of my inner critic plays over and over.  I have learned to turn down the volume so I can navigate in spite of the drone, but it is almost too challenging for me to balance.  Thankfully, I do understand the oppression I feel from shifting vibrations is not personal in nature.  These frequencies are a part of the whole experience of being on this earth and all  behaviors are demonstrated as though we are all mirrors, one to the other.
It is imperative for us to sift through our inner turmoils and focus on our acceptance and correction of the self.  If we can truly unplug the negativity in our own mind, we are much more able to forgive and accept the actions of others.  If we understand how we act and react as an individual, we will be more likely to understand the intention of others. 

We will collapse if we continue to push for improvement and yet resist the change.  We cannot expect everyone else to transition, but allow our selves to be the exception.  We must be in alignment with ourselves in order to support and encourage the alignment of all peoples.  It can no longer be, "Do as I say, not as I do."  We must hold our selves accountable.  We must strive to be a better person and one by one, we will overcome the critics creating a glorious sense of silence.


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