Thursday, October 24, 2013

Divine Love as Impulse

"That we close off, jam up, spill over, and dry up are all part of the being human in the gravity of time.  That we feel compelled to stop and help even strangers move the heavy thing out of the way is an impulse known as love."
Mark Nepo
Mark Nepo was discussing how we allow things to get in our way.  In relationships, we may find ourselves between a rock and a hard place.  What do we do?  Instead of removing the stone, we may just shift it around.  Things eventually get jammed up, and together we can successfully remove the rock and unclog the flow.  We need to explore, however, what causes these formations between us.
"No doubt," states Mark Nepo, "they are infinite and particular, but often, they are made of habits of not:  not seeing, not hearing, not feeling, not being present, not risking the truth, not risking the heart's need to live out in the open."  In other words, we hide or deny what we are experiencing, closing others out.
Even though we may be living in emotional isolation, we unpredictably react to strangers in need of help.  According to Mr. Nepo, this is an "impulse known as love."  So it is easier for us sometimes, to react to the needs of a stranger as there is no debris damming up the flow of interaction.  We may have the same impulse with those we are in relationship with, but there may be too much 'stuff' warding off the natural response of love. 
If love is a natural impulse, we must be working very hard to erect walls and dam the waters of relationship.  How exhausting it must be to keep constant watch, fighting off what is supposed to come naturally.  So it is fear of rejection, loss, or pain that keeps us hiding our true nature.  This attitude clouds our perception of the Divine as well, assuming that our behaviors interfere with unconditional love. 
This realization is really quite sad, especially when it can be so easily remedied.  If we are truly created in Divine Spirit's image, then we really can step through fear and embrace Divine love.  Once engulfed in Divine love, we can respond impulsively with love towards others.

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