Thursday, October 10, 2013

Changes with Fall


"Have a variety of interests ... These interests
relax the mind and lessen tension on the
nervous system.  People with many
interests live, not only longest,
but happiest.
George Matthew Allen
The seasons are changing, draining all of the color from the flowering plants.  Thank goodness the turning of the leaves will entertain us until the earth winter's blanket of snow.  My tastes have changed to all things pumpkin:  bars, cookies, lattes, pancakes, and ice cream.   At the store I found myself collecting goods for thick  soups and the makings for a thick bread.  So many of my likes and dislikes are sliding into a new pattern.
I have brought out my knitting needles and left over skeins of yarn.   At the stores, I have been exploring new patterns.  Anything to keep my fingers busy, yet adaptable to my short attention span.
I am ready to pack away my capri pants and sleeveless tops, and uncover my jeans, boots, and shawls.  I am much happier in cooler weather with more ambition to be outside.  Walking and exploring take over last season's hot house flower restrictions.  Fall, for me, is the last hurrah before the hibernation of winter.  And of course, winter brings forth all of its seasonal things.
I have a variety of interests and some change from season to season, but some are deeply implanted and thankfully never go away.    I entertain myself easily, and usually through my sole involvement.  Perhaps that too is preparing me for the isolation of the season yet to come.  I do a fairly good job with matching activities with my impetuous attention span. 
When my nervous energy is finally spent, I find myself content with just being, doing no thing. The silence without chatter, the calm without action, and the peace within my soul are welcomed guests to the lonely soul. 

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