Saturday, October 12, 2013

Come Dance


Has known God,
Not the God of Names,
Not the God of don'ts,
Not the God who ever does
Anything weird,
But the God who only knows four words
And keeps repeating them, saying:
'"Come dance with Me."
Great Sufi Master
More than one teacher has exclaimed in frustration, "Keep it simple! You are making it too difficult."   As we are all  children of Divine Spirit, we need to recapture the simplicity of dancing with our faith.  This does not mean our earlier belief system doesn't need to grow, mature, and expand, as it really is important to do so; however, we need to recapture the childhood innocence with God calling us to follow spiritual steps. 
Religious rhetoric can bog us done and separate us rather than gathering us in through acceptance, encouragement, and freedom.   The word "God" is  often bantered around with multiple definitions to conquer and divide.  Our energy can be caught up in these competitions and interpretations, missing entirely the intention of Divine.  In our struggle to establish God or Goddess, we defy spiritual intent by furthering the divide.
Keep it simple.  Find the inner childhood glow connected to the personal Spirit dwelling within.  We all have a spark of God inside just waiting to ignite us with passion and desire.  Place energy on this personal relationship with respect to others, allowing Divine to grow us as intended.  By following God's simple steps, we are led to the freedom of dance!


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