Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Presence in the Clouds

"It is wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky.
Behind me and before me is God
and I have no fears."
Helen Keller

A moment of absolute connection with Divine Spirit can  be fleeting.  The veils are pulled to the side and we enter the kingdom of heavenly peace.  Questions fall away as we embrace the truth of all things spiritual.  In one breath, we are all one.

Like a triangle, I reach up to feel the union with all that is unknown.  I taste the sweetness of the clouds delicately floating in the sky.  My skin is warmed by the beams of the sun and I hear love whispered in the wind.  The moon fills  my heart and lights my way to the star, to sit and absorb all of the unknown. 

Sitting on the ledge, there is no place to go, no where to be, and nothing to do.  I am pure light sparkling from the sky, twinkling down for others to see.  This star portal for me, nurtures all emotions that cannot be put into words.  It calms my fears and encourages me to return to the experience of the physical.

Gently I re-enter where I am needed, developing insights before they are discarded.  Time remaining is to be used  inspiring and stimulating others.  To let my light shine here on earth, will help those trying to find their path.  To shed light into the darkness wherever it is found strengthens the passage of every traveler, seen or unseen.

When we climb the mountains of the sky and have no fear,  the Universe embraces us offering a true sense of home.  Divine Spirit is present in the clouds floating through us, supporting and uplifting our spirits.  We become nothing, and yet everything.

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