Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dreaming Is A Language

Unraveling a dream is a fun and exciting experience.
Virginia Carlson

As a child, I experienced recurring dreams.  Being creative by nature, my dreams were very colorful and intriguing.  Learning how to write enabled me to record dream content.  It soon became obvious to me that whenever I wrote something down in detail, my recall was increased.
The public library served me well.  It opened my world and created my personal desire to write.  By the time I was in eighth grade, I had written two books.  At the private academy I attended, English and Literature were my most favorite classes even though I did not favor some of the instructors.  Once in college, there was more freedom in writing for me.  Fortunately, there were several professors who encouraged me to expand my skill.  So this of course included my day dreams as well as night time adventures.
My four children inspired me to track even more dreams, as they would share their dreams and their friends would come to me seeking an opportunity to release a fear from a dream.  With a double major in Psychology and Sociology, my career in social services also increased my growing collection of night time occurrences.  Providing in home counseling to families, young children, and individuals also allowed opportunities to speculate about dreams. 
In the early 1990's I met a woman who had written her Master Thesis on Journaling.  At the time, the term was infrequently used.  Included in this thesis was her research about dreaming.  This was the first person I would meet who shared my passion with both writing and dreaming.
Many people I have shared energy work with have experienced dreams.  While working with energy, my understanding of the creative mind expanded.  As people understood their dreams, they experienced feelings of liberation.  They began to understand themselves and discover that what may appear to be frightful, may be seen in a different light.  
The fascinating realm of dream time is a powerful language easily  translated.  Dreams have been studied in the Bible, Native American Culture, Greek Myths, Egyptian Culture. Scientists, poets, song writers, inventors and presidents have documented learned through the process of dreaming.
It is my desire for others to understand their dream information so that they can be more authentic and intentional.  People need to look deeper within while searching for answers or merely trying to understand the path they are on. We each have our own symbols in additional to the ancient symbols that surface.  Dreaming is a language that will lead you into the depths of creative life.

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