Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Unfolding of Self


"Imagine waking up one morning
and finding a piece of yourself
you didn't even know existed."
Jodi Picoult

While visiting Nashville for a few days, I was thankful to have the opportunity to spend a short time with a young woman I love and admire.  She has graduated from college and is currently working on a masters degree, but there is a deeper development occurring that might not catch the eye.  Her delightful intelligence and her outstanding substance is being nurtured for a future day. 

This young woman carries imprints from Asian ancestors as well as Native American influence.  There is a deepness running through her that has yet to surface.  Her intriguing beauty  will gently unfold within her future days.  For now, her thick curly hair, chocolate brown eyes, and sculptured cheekbones get her by. 

As her elder, I can easily see how painful the uncertainty of her life must be.  In my heart, I know she simply has not yet discovered the richness of her gifts.  These years of struggle, breaking the invisible cords that once held her so tightly, creates an open pathway to who she is called to be.  The fullness of her intelligence and integrity have yet to flourish.

The present is being used to clear away debris providing experiences she will use to deeply relate to others.  Her gift of writing will provide her with an outlet to express her compassion, longing, and loneliness.  My words of "Not yet, be patient dear girl," sound hollow even to myself.    I know we all do not peak at the same time and realize what danger there is in forcing an unnatural opening or settling for what we already know as an uncomfortable fit.

For now she must endure the journey of a star evolving in the darkness of the  sky.  I am certain that one day she shall beam so brightly, her passion will attract and assist others, illuminating the sky.

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