Thursday, October 22, 2015

Finally, Love Myself

"Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process
is the bravest thing that we will ever do."

Brene Brown

My story was committed to memory, every skin prick, scratch and scar.  The words to describe my self were crisp, clear, and colorful as though I would forget if they were any other way.  It was necessary to recall in precise detail as I still had not found the hidden meaning deep beneath my sorrow.

Part of me accepted the surrounding adults as wise and all knowing, but their assessments were not running parallel to my own.  God had rigid rules to be followed, and the church reiterated my existence as a born sinner.  It was overwhelming to align my emotional, physical, and spiritual parts. 

Bravery includes scenarios such as disclosing truth to a trusted other; reframing faith without a middleman;  distancing the self from those proclaiming to love you; and stepping through the illusion of fear.   Bravery teaches to use your voice and to see with clear vision.   It has allowed me healthy emotions by connecting with nature.  It has encouraged me to use my creative expression in spite of feeling vulnerable.  Bravery  has guided me in to the direction where I could finally love myself.

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