Thursday, October 15, 2015

Messages from Messengers

"When we dislike someone, or feel threatened by someone,
the  natural tendency is to focus on  something we dislike
about the person, something that irritates us. Unfortunately,
when we do this -- instead of seeing the deeper beauty of the
person and  giving them energy -- we take energy away and 
actually do them harm.  All they know is that they suddenly 
feel  less beautiful and  less confident, and it is because we
sapped their energy."  

James Redfield

We are encouraged to look through first bad impressions or initial dislikes when we believe every individual has a message for us,.  We remain more patient waiting to see beyond the surface hoping to extricate our message.  In the process, we honor the space the messenger holds.  This is supportive of the concept of being like crystals, many sided.  There is much we may dislike about someone, but there is also at least one little sliver to be recognized in a positive manner.

We develop a preference for friends, but this does not prevent us from appreciating uniqueness in strangers.  The people we have the hardest time accepting, may be our very best teachers.  We don't have to condone nor support a person in order to learn from them.  They may be teaching us through example.

When we shut down in the presence of others, we become the ones to miss the significance of the moment.  When we close ourselves off, we are stifling our own growth,  To be open expands our experiences and helps us to be creative masters in our own right.


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