Thursday, October 29, 2015

Touch the Heart of the World

"I want to be magic.  I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile.  I want to be a 
friend of elves and live in a tree or under a hill.  I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the
stars sing.  I don't want to pretend at magic anymore.  I want to be magic."

Charles de Lint

When we witness magic in our lives,  we are tempted to dismiss it as being silly or imagined.  The adult part of us encourages thoughts to be more serious and to stop the foolishness associated with witches and things that go bump in the night.  We are also uncomfortable using the deeply religious term miracle, so we use a more commonly acceptable one, like blessing, instead.  We will entertain the idea of synchronicity or chance rather than accept the wonders  swirling in our world.

We may find our lives to be boring and uneventful when all we need to do is slow down and power up our imagination.  When we pry our minds open to broader perspectives, we being to notice all of creation dancing around us.   When we tone down our analytical minds, and truly observe life in living color, we begin to enliven our days.

Instead of dismissing a child as being limited in knowledge, sit with the youngster and ask what they see or what they think or what they hear.  Little children can teach us extraordinary things about re-entering the world we have long forgotten to see.


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