Saturday, October 3, 2015

Answer the Door

"I didn't pay attention to the knock.
Later I would remember
it didn't sound like an ordinary knock.
More like a fist pounding."

Sue Monk Kidd

Divine Holiness patiently waits for us to wake up, to open our heart, and to live a compassionate life. We get distracted and absorbed in busyness.  On the whisper of the wind, Spirit calls to us, but we do not hear.  Through written words a message innocently is deciphered in our minds, but we do not make the necessary connection.  Wisdom gently knocks on our door, but we are too disconnected to hear.  Divine Spirit craves for us to live a life of goodness, so the pounding on our door increases.

Divine Holiness patiently waits for our fears and resistance to be released.   When we step through these illusions we begin to not only hear wisdom, but we feel very strongly the presence of the sacred.  When the door is finally answered and we welcome Spirit fully into our lives, we experience freedom to articulate, decipher, and explore the wonders of our inner world.

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