Tuesday, October 13, 2015


"Keep on beginning and failing.  Each time you fail
start over again, and you will grow stronger until you 
have accomplished a purpose - not the one you began
with perhaps, but one you'll be glad to remember."

Anne Sullivan

Very early on, we experience the judgement of two words: pass or fail.  The weight of the word fail implies extreme situations like collapse, deterioration, rupture, crash and imperfection which is a disputable reference towards the human spirit.  It is personally crushing to be told that we are indeed a failure.   It is completely devaluing to think of our lovely self as a failure.

Beginning and ending or regroup and renew are much kinder words.  The human spirit does not have to be entirely squelched when we have tried our hardest, but somehow missed the mark.  We all arrive at dead ends, only to be refueled into a new direction.  To be open to change or flexibility helps us to navigate through the challenges of life without ruining our self-image of dignity and worth.

In time, all of our endeavors fall together telling a story of the authenticity of life.  The tale reflects our resilience and originality.  If we knew how our stories would unfold, we would be spellbound.


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