Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Fighting To Be Right

"You cannot find peace by avoiding life ..."
Virginia Woolf

A promise was made to never live in chaos, not realizing life itself was chaos.  A re-frame of this promise was to learn to live peacefully in the midst of chaos.  To not shut one's self off from the world, but to embrace the self so deeply, one could be in peace anywhere.

When we know our lovely selves to the depth of our souls, we open to the world without clinging or hiding.  We are exposed to controversy, accepting the challenge to either strengthen our belief systems or to expand them.  There is nothing to be feared.

We maintain peace by controlling our emotional investments.  We gauge how much energy we want to invest in drama or chaos.  The power of silence is discovered by holding our own tongue.  Instead of offering argumentative words, we offer respect for diversity.  Kindness becomes less chaotic than fighting to be right.

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