Sunday, October 25, 2015

Whimsical Illusion

"I am rooted, but I flow."
Virginia Woolf

Know there are strong winds of opposition, storms of emotions, and the pull of the moon, but with bravery and extended roots, we can face the wear and tear of time.   When we proceed with feet deliberately placed, the warmth of the sun on our face and the wind to our back, we gain momentum into discovery.

It is harmful to navigate out into the world without first knowing who we are deep down inside.  How can we gather what is important if we don't know what supports our character? We can experience the unknown, but without roots, we can be swept away with any one's whimsical illusion.   

Through inner exploration, listen for wisdom and see glimpses of desires.  Notice what stirs inner creativity and where fear resides.  Weed out what no longer serves a purpose and  plant seeds with visions of insightful adventure.   

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