Friday, August 12, 2022

Seek Refuge


"Our best friends are a warm refuge in which we feel  
free to be fully ourselves."
Daily Om

Japanese paper lanterns symbolize joy, celebration, good fortune, longevity, and they have roles as protectors from evil.  Traditionally, these lanterns also have a connection between human bodies and water, (the element of emotion), and usually hold a candle inside. 

There is something very emotional about watching Japanese lanterns floating upon water.  Each one with its unique design and floating at its own pace, can be symbolic for friendship.  Individual candles comfort, beckon, and connect just as the hearts of friends.

Friends have different personalities and interests and yet align with our very own soul.  They may float away to differing destinations, but a connection remains.  Individually remarkable,  but as they seek refuge from each other, oh my, how they glow.

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