Monday, August 1, 2022

Uncomplicated Reprieve


"Step out of the turbulence of life
into the private sanctuary of peace within you."
Fran Wolf 

Our ego explains that we must persevere, be steadfast and strong, but is ego truly our best resource?  Ego spins dreams of deserving vacations, retreats, and other forms of escape, when all that we need is the peaceful quiet within.

Take five minutes or grab just three, simply being still.  One does not need incense, candles and bells. Just close both eyes and breathe creating a silent pause.  This effortless gesture creates a snip of silence in the body, mind and spirit.

Life is already complicated without us adding to it, but this slight pause repeatedly used throughout our day, extends our patience for coping.  It assists with alignment, clarity, and balance.  It is an uncomplicated reprieve by quietly closing the eyes and remembering to breathe.

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