Friday, August 26, 2022

Parcels of Light


"You are not the darkness you endured. 
You are the light that refused to surrender."
John Mark Green 

Therapeutic goals encourage the release of the past in order to make room for healing and creating.  Progression cannot be activated if we are bound by old barriers.  It can be helpful, however, to measure just how far we have traveled beyond said obstacles.

We can activate personal support by recalling resilience mustered in various scenarios and the use of determination to by pass others. As we focus on our previous proficiencies, we can become more determined to persevere while seeking positive outcome.

As we strengthen the image of being a light in our own darkness, we begin to create and fine tune skills that fuel, ignite and illuminate our passage.  We are more apt to find our way carrying parcels of light rather than wandering in the darkness.

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