Friday, August 19, 2022

The Gnarly!

"The world needs you to be exactly as you are."
Midwives of the Soul

Give me the gnarly ones who struggle to untangle spoon fed fallacies and doctored accounts; for they are the interesting and thought provoking.  Send me the deep thinkers who are not afraid to explore old stale tales.

There is a tendency to build high walls to preserve limited information, but unfortunately stunt growth.  The light simply does not get in nor does fresh air and roots in time begin to decay.  There is protection inside the wall, yet limited knowledge and expectation.

To fulfill our intended destination, we must not hide, but rather shine.  There is a reason to disengage ... to create space for deeper insight and appreciation.  The outside might be unsolvable, but we have the power to untangle the meaning of authentic contribution!


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