Thursday, August 11, 2022

Organized Procrastinator

"Procrastination is the art of keeping up 
with yesterday and avoiding today."
Wayne Dyer 

I am an 'organized/procrastinator'.  The fact is, we are all multi-sided and our behaviors are determined by our mind set of the moment.  What we resist, persists, in spite of our avoidance or denial.

If we are honest about our feelings, and maintain priorities, we can better manage procrastination which is passive/aggressive behavior.  While we obsessively remain focused on one form of success, other areas of life may be crashing and burning. 

In every situation, we have choice.  Granted, it may not be a great one, but we are called to make a decision.  What we focus upon stimulates aggression, and if it is at the cost of some other aspect of our  life by resistance,  the behavior is procrastination

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