Thursday, August 25, 2022

Projected Inaccuracies


"You are important, you are beloved, and
you are everything you need to be, 
exactly as you are."
Shelley Young

The majority of our shame stems from not living up to an outside expectation created by others.  Too often, we are groomed to advance into a scenario that is not the best choice for the self, but driven by a peer or simple fear.

We may have professionals encouraging us to compete in arenas where our hearts have no interest in going.  This is not to say we aught not step out of our comfort zone as that is how growth happens; but, it reflects the importance of being connected to our inner hopes and desires.

If we hold our lovely selves accountable, we understand that our false projections driven by ego, project inaccurate information. Perhaps, it is time to start over, to renew, and to realign with who we truly are and who we were truly meat to be. 

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