Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Blessed Singular Flame

"Seeing that I would never manage to fall asleep, I arose,
lit a candle, and after dressing went outside."
Boris Sadovskoy

My morning ritual includes flooding my body with light, washing out darkness lingering  to trap my ego, emotions, or simple distraction.  It is peculiar that I do just the opposite ritual at night.  I enter the darkness, reducing my light to a simple flame in hopes of hearing or seeing Divinity taking shape in the stars and moon. 

These two rituals are sacred to me.  One represents the intake of light while the other encourages presence in the darkness.  Opposite ends of a coin, but together these actions help form my rhythm of giving and taking while streaming in the flow.  Too much of one or the other pulls me out of alignment.

My morning intake of light is used throughout my day.  I invisibly share it with strangers, randomly send it to friends, and creatively layer it across life in general ... here, there, and everywhere.  By nightfall my light has returned to the blessed singular flame and I await a humble connection with spirit in hopes of restoring my desire to be light in my world.

***Light can be a form of energy such as Reiki

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