Tuesday, December 6, 2022


"You never know, just by looking,
what a person is hiding."
Sarah Morgan

As we glance into a home, we may see bliss and harmony.  We might observe a family dining together and believe they are the ideal.  Conversely, viewing from a distance, we do not accurately see what is hidden in the heart.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday set the pace of frenzied activity.  The busier we get and the faster we go, we fool ourselves into thinking we can bury emotions stirred by the holidays. We don't want to be labeled as being too sensitive or dramatically emotional.

Shifting from an inner focus, we can create outward movement to release pain. We can smile at others as it will extend hope.  Choose to assist others and feel empowered.  Give however we can, knowing we make a difference. Embrace the reflection as we engage with others.

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