Friday, November 25, 2016

Be Diligent

"God sends us despair not to kill us;
He sends it to us to awaken new life within us."
Herman Hesse

Trial and error escort us closer to our intended purpose.  Change and unsuspected detours guide us even more deliberately to destinations.  We must be open and flexible to what is in our best interest and not our tunnel vision views.

Focus needs to be on creative possibility within and without the perimeters of goals.  Living to our fullest is not a joy ride.  It is a perilous venture into the unknown.  We are accompanied by faith and inner wisdom which requires us to be awake and aware.

All of our journey is accented by the blessings of others.  Gratitude for our comrades, all peoples and living things triggers change in our hearts.  When we have compassion and respect with a broad range of trust,  our goodness impacts everyone.  Be diligent and awaken to a new way of living.

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