Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Belonging to Me

"The greatest thing in the world
is to know how to belong to oneself."
Michel de Montaigne

What does it mean to belong to oneself'?  Aren't we just stuck with our self?  Isn't life a long quest  to join with others?  To think of being alone with oneself can suggest anxiety, loneliness, or depression.  We have yearnings to belong to a family, friends, a mate or community.  

Passages of time are spent identifying the self, aligning beliefs, and defining preferences.   How can we possibly belong to ourselves when life churns such uncertainty? The process of personal discovery constantly changes recognition.  So does belonging indicate an emotional attachment, not physical?

Belonging is to love the self unconditionally; to recognize the connection with all living things; to accept Divinity; and to value who self is ... ever changing.  When my core is solid, there is safety in belonging to me.  When I honor myself as I am,  my view of the world shifts without fear .  Out of respect for my lovely self,  I nurture my skills, reflecting the joy of belonging to me.

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