Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Taking Measure

"For years, I was deathly afraid of my own weaknesses,
but when I closed my eyes and let myself be vulnerable
to them, it allowed miracles to take place."
Bethany Brookbank

The positive strides taken in life are overshadowed by the memories of falling.  Grab an old journal or a once favorite novel, discovering as you read, the growth in perspective.  Unless measure is taken, it is too easy to overlook our personal progression.

Change occurs slowly, so surveying our perspectives is an excellent way to acknowledge how small seeds of inspiration from previous insights have grown into solid concepts.  With a personal inventory, one begins to realize the strength gathering within and the need to keep moving forward.

Hindsight allows recognition of individual risk where the authentic self forged ahead.  Lists can be made of progress no matter how small or insignificant.  Every heartfelt action contributes to integrity when we include all peoples in the decided action and outcome.

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