Monday, November 21, 2016

Release ...

"Forgiveness is not an occasional act,
it is a constant attitude."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

There were many reasons for individuals to release connections with organized religions.  Once distanced from an institution, the intimacy, sacraments and rituals of the church were noticeably felt.  This was remedied by creating sacred spaces to fill the void.

BRAIN PICKINGS offered an interview with Leonard Cohen stating,  "So it is in our time that certain spiritual mechanisms that were very useful have been abandoned and forgot."  This is especially true of confession and forgiveness which needs to be addressed in our personal spiritual practices, if no longer connected with a church.

Self-forgiveness is one of the most difficult actions to take, and if we do not, we can  harm body, mind and soul.  Physical ailments, mental health issuers, and spiritual disconnection are often based in lack of forgiveness.  Forgiveness requires confession  to our selves through prayer,  journal for release, or share with a trusted friend. By doing so, we feel resurrected.    

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