Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Insignificant Facts

"When one feels seen and appreciated
in their own essence, one is instantly empowered."
Wes Angelozzi

When we are unexpectedly praised, we experience a rush of energy and a sense of being uplifted.  This usually occurs in a chance meeting or catching the smiling eyes of a stranger.  We beam when the slightest skill is noted or a tender comment is given from an unknown.

It is a heart warming experience to take notice of others.  In a store, compliment a woman on the great color she is wearing.  Watch her beam!   Look the cashier directly in the eyes and thank them for doing a great job.  Smile at the mother with the screaming child, and drop of few encouraging words.  These small interactions uplift ourselves as well as the receivers.

Before we tell ourselves we are not very good at exchanges, think again.  One does not need to know a person's history, accomplishments, or challenges to utter a small exchange.  Actually, the less we know the easier it becomes.  Simply glance at a person and notice one thing ...  an action, an emotion, glowing or scowling.  Choose one insignificant fact, and offer a response, and both involved will feel empowered.

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