Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom and Uncertainty

"Every body has their taste in noises as well as other matters;
and sounds are quite innoxious or most distressing,
by their sort rather than their quantity."
Jane Austen

Fireworks, fire crackers and cherry bombs were once my delight.  As a child, I loved the Fourth of July and craved the darkness bursting with sounds, colors, and shapes.  It was an anticipated time for gatherings and fun.

Fourth of July as a mother changed things completely.  Babies would scream at the noises and our dearest pets would shake and whine with fear.  It was a time to worry about burns, accidents, and crowd control with a strong desire to retreat home.

Fondness for this holiday has diminished.  Fireworks sound like bombs and I am self conscious about veterans or survivors of violence.  The celebration for freedom stirs an uncertainty of our country's status and just how independent we really are.

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