Thursday, July 27, 2017

Articulation of a Face

"I have no more words.
Let the soul speak 
with the silent articulation
of a face."
The Illuminated Rumi
Coleman Barks

We share our wisdom to encourage and uplift those who are challenged.  Diverse conversation is inspirational with like minded friends.  A journal is a gate keeper for words we are not yet ready to share, but tender thoughts find their way onto a page of an intimate letter.

For spiritual revelations, words are not often adequate to capture the realm seen in meditations or the spectrum of color splashed throughout a vision.  There is a need to silence our words so we can be washed in the silent blessings of the Divine.

When the soul speaks, it is through silence using feelings, projections, and knowings. Riveting impressions fill us and they are displayed across the face.  Rapture, for instance, is a very heavy and questionable word, but as a bodily experience, the face says it all.

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