Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Abundance Begins to Flourish

"Happiness will grow if you plant the seeds
of love in the garden of hope with
compassion and care."
Debasish Mridha

When we are in survivor mode, we are obsessed with the strategies to overcome the darkness and navigational routes for escape.  There is no time for hope as one continues to cautiously move forward.  All of our senses are on high alert avoiding bombs hidden by others.

Fleeing on automatic pilot, one does not have the luxury of pause.  There is no time access any of our resources. Our body is skewered with no relief in sight.  It is not until we completely crash that words of wisdom can be gently whispered. In this brief silence we pick ourselves up, and allow our damaged spirits to be drawn in by the light.

Divine Spirit intended for us to live fully, not just survive the obstacles we face.  Our planted seeds must be nurtured with tender care.  Light has to fall upon them encouraging them to grow.  Weeds of negativity must be pulled, while our gardens abundance begins to flourish.

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