Thursday, July 20, 2017

Weightless and Debonair

"Wrapped in the deep fragrance of the forest,
I listen to the flapping of the birds' wings, to
the stirring of the ferns.  I'm freed from gravity
and float up --- just a little --- from the ground
and drift in the air."
Haruki Murakami

Meditation gently lifts us up to drift above the worldly chatter, just as yoga glides us through a buoyant space of movement.  To be thoroughly engrossed in a project, we glide through time unaware of the outside world.  In the midst of nature we experience a sheer sweeping through invisible veils.

The physical body is similar to heavy armor, and in dream time, we become weightless, flying with freedom to places thought of as unknown.  Imagination released, we sample the variety of scenarios which will be indescribable in physical time.

As we return to the human experience, the impressions are fleeting and the messages scrambled as though we had never been aware.  Memories fade as though it all had been an illusion.  In the core of our heart, however, there is a longing to return to this unknown place, weightless and debonair.

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