Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Completion of the Assistance

"Remembering to say thank you to our guides and helpers is important 
for the completion of the assistance they have given." 
Madisyn Taylor   

Hesitation never prevents me from whispering silent prayers to my guides, angels, helpers and all who are transitioned to the other side.  My pleading, I believe, is always heard leaving me to feel  protected and safer venturing into particular pursuits.  Rarely do I begin without an intimate request for light to cover me.

Reading THE DAILY OM this morning, Madisyn Taylor discusses an important point regarding our connections.  She emphasizes the importance of offering thanks and gratitude to complete the transaction.  I am deeply grateful and thankful for the recognition of my prayers, but sadly, I never offer my thanks until later in the day or at bedtime, hours after a completed task.

In the article, Trusting Spiritual Assistance,  not giving immediate thanks is compared to a phone conversation without a goodbye.   An ending is always necessary to release the connection between those we have called upon.  Offering thanks allows our spirits to go on to other things.  It is an acknowledgment that all is well.  I, indeed, will be more mindful.

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