Saturday, July 15, 2017

Apathy, A Potential Danger

"Science may have found a cure for most evils;
but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all ---
the apathy of human beings."
Helen Keller

Indifference is a major affliction difficult to modify.  To reach this state one goes through numerous emotions squashing any sense of hope or recovery.  To simply not care, to be detached or to be completely alienated from all persons, places, and things can create apathy with potential danger to the self or others.

When life presents a lesson or challenge, we often step back into isolation instead of stepping forward with a willingness to learn.  As we shut down, we cut off out side resources to assist or encourage.  The darkness grows and without intervention on some level, we can spiral into a vulnerability to harm.

When in the trenches of life, it is good to have at least one person to reach out to.  We can even create a word to signal our distress.  There is no need to divulge our darkest fear or inflate our drama.  The password is all we need.  Something as simple as "help" will generate a positive response affirming we indeed are not alone.

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