Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Rewards of my Plight

"My plight has given me a strange kind of wealth,
the most important kind.  I value each moment that
is not spent in pain, desperation, hunger, thirst or loneliness."
Steven Callahan

I have never been driven by money itself.  I have been a child, an adult and an elder, but I have never been concerned about my age.  I don't want to be rich, nor poor, or young or old.  I want to be blessed with good health, a loyal companion, and a stimulating life in a casual comfort zone.

I desire my remaining days to be filled with the beauty in nature, connection with my circle of sisters, and the sense of making a difference in the life of those I choose to love as well as those whom I do not know.  I welcome a steady pace of casual living with plenty of time to be aware and responsive to the messages flowing through each precious moment.

Abundance flows through my thankful and grateful heart.  I have at long last gathered all parts of my self and I truly accept my emerging spirit.  I have done my best with what I have had, I have loved hard and I have become able to forgive.  Most importantly, I have discerned how to let go.

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