Monday, July 31, 2017

Hidden Inside

"But I kept it to myself ... maybe because I didn't think it mattered,
but probably because, in a place where everyone knew my story,
it was nice to know there was a chapter that only I had read."
Ally Carter

In alignment, one balances all things forming a congruent stream from high heavens to the rich earth  with balance in between.  To do so, one must pick and choose what is of value and release the rest.  There is a temptation to hide intimate details in protection of self.

Comfort can be found communicating with special friends as we feel safe without judgment.  The confidant holds a private space and simply listens.  There are shards of glass or splinters of pain that remain lodged deep inside.  Excavating them might cause excruciating pain and the loss of alignment.

Hidden memories, communications or hideous incidents can cause not only pain, but illness.  These elements eat away at our strength causing us dis-ease.  It is far better to scream them from the roof tops; to pour the hot lava into the sea; or record them one last time prior to burning.  Whatever is hidden in you, my lovely, must be discarded or it will continue to do harm.  

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