Monday, July 17, 2017

Extending Goodness

"Though our gift may not always elicit the response we might desire,
when it is sincere and from the heart we giving to the universe and will 
receive it back, though it may seem to come from a different source."
Daily Om 

Let's not limit our sense of gifting no matter how large or small.  When we feel the urge to give we need to follow through.  God has an extended view of our needs and wishes and when Divine Spirit nudges us our response needs to assist in the plan.

We may share a favorite keepsake with a friend and then be disappointed when they do not seem to appreciate the item at all.  The friend might be a middle man and pass it on to someone who adores it.  Without expectation of a certain result, we can enjoy the act of extending goodness.

Whatever kindness we render to the world, returns to us.  It may not be in the exact wrapping we visualized and it might even be greater than expected.  The intention is to set a pattern of sharing kindness, just for the joy of it.  We trust as we pay it forward, that goodness in deed will be returned.

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