Sunday, July 2, 2017

Thrust of New Possibility

"My drug of choice was unworthiness."
Iyanla Vanzant

Amazing to listen to thriving people share stories of their struggle with self-worth.  Examples are endless of individuals rising from poverty to wealth and not forgetting to share with others.  I am especially drawn to those who have found recognition for individual use of authentic gifts or talents.

Communities house residents who give beyond their share, not through money, but by utilizing their gift of listening or growing or repair or comfort.  Humility abounds with common folks reaching out to assist others in distress.

The basic ingredient, I believe, is to over come the sense of not having any value.  The endless negative chatter prevents us from becoming whom we are most definitely meant to be.  Our lack of worthiness blocks the passage to any attempt of accomplishment.  Once we learn to step outside of our self-imposed disgust, we are released into a thrust of new possibility.

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