Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Passion is Fuel

A true spiritual teacher will never
 guide you through the door,
only to the door."  
Nikki Rowe

Duplicating the actions of others may help us to determine a pattern, but like food, information needs to be digested.   Words of wisdom need to sink in and bounce around until we absorb how it pertains to ourselves, not others.  We are not parrots just spouting words, we are deep spiritual beings with much to learn.

Mentors can assist us on our spiritual journey, but at some point the path becomes a solitary walk.  We need the singular time to check in with our inner most feelings to determine our truth.  Unless we understand and recognize our strengths, we will aimlessly wander. When we discover our passion, it becomes fuel to carry us forward.

If we just acquire endless knowledge, and not apply it to life, we are none the wiser.  We need to put what we learn  into action.  We no longer need to stand in our teacher's shadow. We must use our authentic self to bring light into the darkness. 

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